Mentoring Scheme - Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I bother participating?
Professional development opportunities for learning developers are often limited. Participating in the Scheme as a mentor or mentee will give you the opportunity not only to develop your practice, but to gain recognition that you can add to your professional profile.
What do I have to do to gain ScotELAs recognition?
We recognise that professional life is busy and so the recognition process aims to support the developments gained from mentoring while avoiding unnecessary additional work. We ask that mentors and mentees complete a Mentoring Agreement, write 2 short reflective pieces and submit a very short evaluation form at the end of the mentoring process. More detail is provided in the handbook.
How will I be recognised on completing the scheme?
On completion of the mentoring collaboration and required documentation, participants will be awarded a certificate and / or digital badge which can be added to your professional profile.
What is the difference between ‘role-focused’ and ‘expertise-focused’ mentoring?
Role-focused and expertise-focused mentoring are two separate pathways that have been developed to accommodate individuals at different stages of their careers. Role-focused is for those who are new to the field and wish support in developing areas such as learning and teaching practice. Expertise-focused mentoring is for those at any stage of their careers who wish to develop in a particular area (e.g. pedagogies for specific student groups, research methods, digital learning).
How do I choose a mentor and get started?
Register and visit the members’ mentoring area and view the mentor profiles. When you find a mentor with whom you’d like to work, simply get in touch with them to discuss forming a mentoring partnership. Next you should complete the Mentoring Agreement and submit as directed. You will then be entered onto the database – the first step is done on your way to gaining ScotELAs recognition.
What is the purpose of the Mentoring Agreement?
Successful mentoring is dependent on a strong, trusting partnership. The Mentoring Agreement facilitates the development of this partnership by establishing mutual goals and expectations. Completion of the Agreement demonstrates a commitment to the mentoring collaboration, which is the first step towards recognition.
For how long should mentors and mentees meet?
Mentoring partnerships will be of varied intensities and durations depending on agreed goals. While there is no set mentoring collaboration period for expertise-focused mentoring, role-focused collaborations should continue for a minimum period of six months, with meetings at least once every two months.
Will my details remain confidential?
Yes. All documentation submitted will be stored in a strictly confidential, password-protected online format which will be accessible only by the ScotELAs Mentoring Scheme Leads.
How can I become a mentor?
We are keen to expand our pool of mentors and capitalise on the wealth of experience that exists across the sector. If you are interested, complete the profile pro forma at [link here].