Summer Meeting 2020: Fri 12 June
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The Programme
10.00-10.15: Arrival, set-up, welcome
10.15-10.45: Keynote
10.45-11.00: Discussion forum/coffee refresh
11.00-12.00: Presentations
12.00-13.00: Lunchbreak
13.00-14.00: Presentations
14.00-14.30: Discussion forum/coffee refresh
14.30: Roundup and close
The Sessions
You can listen to sound recordings of all our speakers from this meeting. Just click on the media files shown under the presenters' names.
KEYNOTE: Professor Jo-Anne Murray (University of Glasgow)
Angela Shapiro (Glasgow Caledonian University): I am a Baby Boomer (generation X) teaching generation Y and Z’
Despite new approaches being applied in teaching there is a generation discord in that generation z are being taught in the main by educators who are often comprised of generation X and generation Y and therefore they have different approaches and expectations about the teaching and learning. As a Baby Boomer, I would like to talk about some of the main differences occurring in these three groups.
Chloe Alexander (University of Aberdeen): Avoiding Plagiarism: A two minute video
As Universities become better at detecting plagiarism, we have to ensure that we align this with making students better aware of what plagiarism is and how to not only avoid it, but also to understand this in the context of how to write better overall. Here, Chloe will show a short animated video produced by herself and a colleague in Divinity for Undergraduate students (specifically those studying Arts and Social Sciences). The project began a month before lockdown and had to continue at a distance, which made designing and recording all the more tricky!
Elina Koristashevskaya and Stuart Purcell (University of Glasgow): Arts and Social Sciences PGT Dissertation Classes: A New Approach to Moving Online
Historically, our PGT dissertation summer classes have been delivered in a didactic lecture format, with hour-long lectures taking place in lecture halls on campus. The classes are open to all PGT students in the Colleges of Arts and Social Sciences and tend to be very popular, usually attracting large a student cohort throughout the series. These classes, therefore, posed two main challenges for a shift to online delivery. Firstly, based on our experience of delivering ad-hoc online lectures, we were aware that simply delivering a didactic, hour-long lecture online would not be an engaging format for students. Secondly, our new, online delivery model must be effective at scale in order to cater for our anticipated size of student cohort. In order to respond to these twin challenges, we developed a three-phase delivery model: a lecture, a practical exercise, and a Q&A session. Each discrete phase is designed to last approximately 30 minutes with the entire online session taking 1 hour 30 minutes, replacing the hour-long lecture format. This lightning talk will cover our rationale for each phase and our findings from delivering in this format in May-June 2020.
Ursula Canton (Glasgow Caledonian University) & Alex Cuthbert (University of Strathclyde): What are we doing; what are we saying?
This presentation offers a call for participants to a new ScotHELD working group to map LD practice in Scottish universities. It is envisaged that the findings will enable us (as an organisation and as individual practitioners) to develop an enriched understanding of the current structural and operational arrangements, institutional positioning, and the various practices (and their influencing pedagogies) being employed across the sector. It is intended that these findings will ultimately feed into similar projects being undertaken within ALDinHE and ICALLD. The second part introduces Theresa Lillis’ 4 types of dialogues between students and learning developers as a tool to map our practice from a pedagogical perspective. Following a short explanation, participants are encouraged to discuss how useful such a lens would be to reflect and report on their own practice.
Ralitsa Kantcheva (Bangor University): Not just a video: supporting flexible student learning with interactive recordings
In the past, we have employed lecture capture to offer flexible student learning opportunities but this has resulted in a poor student experience. Some students watched only the first two minutes of a lecture (60 minutes) and never engaged with the videos again. Others 'binge-watched' all lectures for a semester just a week before the exam. Recently, we have trialled a novel practice that offers an authentic interactive learning experience, through meaningful engagement, with easy access, and requires limited staff resources for development. This talk highlights the observed benefits and challenges using this approach to develop an interactive and meaningful digital learning experience, and suggests possible future developments and applications.
Dustin Hosseini (University of Lancaster): Helping each other: building a cross-discipline community of pedagogy, practice and development
Preceding the shutdown that Covid19 brought about, rapid and sometimes chaotic changes and collaborations were taking place both behind the scenes and across the disciplines.
In our case, this lead to a digital community of pedagogy, practice and development that sought to address the sudden shift, the sudden 'pivot' online. This talk is a reflection on that story, how the community is creating a critical mass for change and the next steps that lay ahead.
Andrew Struan & Caitlin Diver (University of Glasgow): Learning Development at Scale: A Whole Institution Approach
The University of Glasgow’s Academic Writing Skills Programme (AWSP) is a unique example of institution-wide writing development. The course runs across the institution’s c. 12,000 students per academic year as a compulsory course. Student uptake has been beyond expectations, and the programme has been developed and enhanced to incorporate the most up to date practice in academic writing development.
This paper will detail the elements of AWSP, and how the use of blended/online technology has enhanced provision. We will discuss the course set-up, challenges and achievements, and building a student-centred range of provision that caters for 12,000 students per academic year. The paper builds on Boyle, Ramsay and Struan (2019).